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Woodchuck Ground Hog Trapping Marshfield Wisconsin

Writer's picture: Randy ReekRandy Reek

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

I trap woodchucks or groundhogs in the Marshfield, Wisconsin area.

Wood chucks - or groundhogs - can be elusive pests

The common woodchuck is a burrowing rodent that normally excavates a burrow in a secluded hillside. But these animals often take the easy option of creating a warm nest under porches or sheds. Then their lifestyle conflicts with the home owner, and often the family pets.

Woodchuck Under Home
Woodchuck Under Home

​Groundhogs love to feed on ornamental plantings and backyard gardens. They will happily occupy your firewood stack, carport, or outbuildings and graze carefree on your lawn and expensive plantings.

​Like all rodents, woodchucks have large litters. If you see the evidence of one - holes along the foundation of a building, or an actual siting in your garden - you can be assured that there are more around. They are seldom solitary animals.

Groundhog Family Captured in Live Traps
Groundhog Family Captured in Live Traps

​Trapping groundhogs is a challenge because they are often surrounded by many food sources. It might take many days to lure a skittish woodchuck into a box trap.

If groundhogs have invaded your buildings or property, the best solution is trapping. Using firearms around your residence is usually not an option. "Scaring them away" is not a long-term solution. If you are interested in the permanent removal of the problem animals, give Randy a call.

Backyard Woodchuck
Backyard Woodchuck

Also note that in most cases, trapping equals DEATH for the offending animal. In a very few cases, a problem woodchuck might be caught in a "live trap", then transported miles away for release. This is the exception, however. In most cases, the offending woodchucks will be removed to a safe area and dispatched.

A few groundhogs are very "cagey" and challenging to lure into a live trap. If you want 100% of the woodchucks removed from your buildings, kill traps MUST be employed.

​Nuisance animal control is an expensive, time-consuming process. Expensive traps must be properly set, then checked at least once daily. This means that there will be an initial set-up expense and ongoing operational charges. Some woodchucks may elude traps for many days. You will be REQUIRED to set an upper limit to the total expense, but this may not guarantee the full elimination of the animal problem. Added costs, such as the removal and relocation of trapped animals may also apply.

The conditions that attracted groundhogs in the first place may lead to "repeat offenders" in the future - including migrating woodchucks or relocated animals that have returned to your property. If a woodchuck has taken up residence in or under a building, you can guarantee that another animal (raccoon, skunk, or another groundhog) will find the same entry point if you don't make the necessary repairs. Animal removal does not include structural repairs to your buildings or restoration of plantings or shoreline. Randy can offer basic repairs, in some cases. Often, extensive repairs will require a roofer and/or carpenter.

Woodchucks are considered an "Unprotected Species" in Wisconsin. This means there is NO CLOSED SEASON and groundhogs may be trapped year-round. Randy is licensed to remove nuisance woodchucks by the State of Wisconsin. While serving as the agent of the landowner, Randy can both TRAP and SHOOT woodchucks that are causing damage to your property per WI NR 12.10(3)(c).

Cost estimates: The MINIMUM cost will be $100.00 for set-up, trapping, and animal removal. Every day of trap checks and animal removal will add to the total expense. There is a cost to remove the animal and reset the trap. This cost is PER ANIMAL - regardless if it is a adult or baby woodchuck. It is up to the landowner or resident to set the MAXIMUM budget in advance.

​Randy offers nuisance animal removal only because he is an avid outdoorsman. This is not a profitable business, and furs have little value. The landowner or resident will be REQUIRED to sign both a service estimate AND a 100% release of all liability for these services. Please contact Randy for an estimate or to schedule an on-site visit to assess the problem.

To learn more about trapping other nuisance animals, please visit

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